Preparation Time : 25 Min.
Cooking Time : 15 Min.
Serves / Makes : 8
Bread Slices ...15
Curd ....2 Cups
Rawa ....3/4 Cup
Capsicum ....2 Medium Size
Onions ....2 Medium Size
Tomatoes ....2 Medium Size
Green Chillies...2 Medium Size
Coriender Leaves to Garnish.
Black Pepper according to taste.
Salt as per Taste.
Butter .
1.Cut all Vegetables in Chinese style (thin & long)
2.Take curd add rawa & all vegetables ,& also add pepper, salt ,corinder to it.
3.Put this batter on one side of a loaf of bread .
4.Take a pan & put the loaf 0n it & add butter to it till it turns golden brown.